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The Real Ghost Stories

Apparitions In My Grandparents Apartment 

My family is originally from Mexico

This all happened in my paternal grandparents apartment in the early to mid 1970's

When I was about 1 or 2 my parents moved in with my grandparents temporarily

They had put my crib in my grandparent's bedroom and my parents stayed in a smaller room

While I don't remember this, my parents told me I would scream at the top of my lungs whenever I was put down for a nap or for bedtime

They said I would point to the corner of the room and yelled the words "La Cha cha"-and no it has nothing to do with the dance

In Spanish Cha cha is short for muchacha which means young woman

They said this would also occur in the bathroom

I would point at something in the corner and yell La cha cha..

And then would kick and scream saying that she was going to get me. My cousin also had an experience except she was a little older and ran out of my grandparent's bedroom once

When my uncle-her father asked what was wrong she said that the man wouldn't let her go to sleep

My uncle fearing an intruder had broken in ran in a checked everywhere

They were on the 8th floor and the window was small with no balcony so there was no way anyone would have climbed up just to break in

He asked her where the man was and she said in the corner

No one was there

The next day she also ran out crying saying the man wouldn't let her sleep

My uncle had it by then

They then didn't stay there for a long time. My grandmother had hung the laundry on the roof (this is very common in large apartments in Mexico) and around dusk it started raining

She asked my aunt-her daughter- to run up and get the clothes because she was making dinner

My aunt who was about 15 at the time ran up there and started taking the clothes down

She was by herself up there

Then she said she took down one of the sheets and when she did this she saw someone standing a few feet away from her

Since it was kind of dark and raining, and the roof was not well-lit she assumed it was another tenant so she said hello

The person was wearing a black cloak and had its back to her

The minute she said hello the figure turned around and she froze

She said the hood was empty except for two glowing red eyes staring at her

She dropped the laundry and closed her eyes and when she opened them the figure was gone

She then ran down back to the apartment in tears and all hysterical

It took a long time for my grandma to calm her down

At first she thought someone had tried to attack her..

But then my aunt told her what happened

Apparently other tenants had reported seeing a familiar figure roaming the stairwells and the roof

Whether this thing was related to the "cha cha" or the man who wouldn't let my cousin sleep I don't know

All I know is that this place was really creepy in places and was glad when they moved away to another building

This apartment building actually was destroyed in the big earthquake in 1985

So it was a blessing they weren't still living there at the time

Don't know what is standing there now


Anjali korde

10-Aug-2023 10:40 AM

Nice part
